WordPress uses themes to create page layouts and make your site look pretty. Although there are several features in each template for blogging, you want your website to be as clean as possible with no traces of a blog.
There are a few files that you have to change to get a more static-type website, I will walk you through those changes.
Please don't make these changes if you want a blog integrated into your WordPress website!
Some basic knowledge of file editing will make this a lot easier, but most of it can be done via the theme editor found in the WordPress Administrator Panel.
I will make it a little easier for you by pointing out a few WordPress themes that are already “search-engine-optimized.”
You will also find some sample page headers to use or modify for your own website.
So what should you change in your WordPress themes?
– Remove all references to Author, Date and Time of posting, and ability to comment. Most of the time, the coding will show up like this:
<h5>by <?php the_author(‘nickname'); ?> on <?php the_time(‘F jS, Y') ?><!– by <?php the_author() ?> –> · <?php comments_popup_link(‘No Comments', ‘1 Comment', ‘% Comments'); ?></h5>
You have to hunt down these lines in all of your template .php files. Start with the index.php, page.php and single.php files.
If you've cleaned those files, you will have about 90% of the template done.
Some templates come with a separate template file for a blog page, in that case you can keep the aforementioned items in that page.
If you are looking for a ready made theme for your site that is CMS ready you can check out ThemeForest or StudioPress.